Photography and life inspiration - let's look for the light together!

Laura Pittman

How to be present and intentional in capturing moments in time through photography, and what top mistakes to avoid.

Laura Pittman

Have you ever wondered why your images are blurry sometimes? Here's the causes and how to avoid them.

Laura Pittman

Here's a few things you may not have known about me!

Laura Pittman

Today I want to challenge you to create what I like to call a visual diary.

Laura Pittman

With the camera you have the ability to create memories as well as capture them, and to foster connection between your subject(s) and ...

Laura Pittman

You can take your photos from boring to artistic with just a slight change in your composition. Here's how to use the Rule of Thirds.

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Wanting to take the next step?

I'd love to teach you more about photography!